Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Weavings/ Textile Wall Hangings

Hello Dear readers:

Just wanted to share some new Weavings/ Wall Hangings I have been working on. I purchased a good size (18 x 21") loom and, true to my usual form, have been addicted to weaving ever since it arrived on my doorstep.  

Of course, a series of events transpired that I never expected.

First, weaving is extremely time consuming. I mean, lots.of.time.
I spent between 20 and 30 hours on EACH of these pieces. Weaving after dinner, in the early morning, when I'm helping my son with his homework; every little chance I could.  
 Maybe I'll get faster?

It's okay if I don't because, second, weaving is a spiritual art. I never knew this but I assure you that it is. It is the most relaxing art form I have ever participated in. I can go for hours with out getting up to use the ladie's room or get a drink of water because I am so intertwined in the methodical rhythm of what I am doing.  

I should probably take a class to learn what I am really doing, or even attempt to follow a pattern for that matter but I just wanted to start making it up as I go so that I wasn't restricted by anyone else's ideas. Maybe I will do that in the future though. 

Lastly, I'm meeting a wonderful world of artists from this other world. The weaving world is a very creative and supportive group and I am so glad to see inspirations from other people that I had no idea could be so involved and beautiful. 

Art is endless and seamless and, at times, quite intoxicating.

Thank you for your visit. 
Off to string my next warp. ;)


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