Sunday, March 28, 2010

Little Red; Little Sun

So here's my Little Red. As a very young child she, somehow, managed to befriend the very wolf family that would eventually try to put her on course with a terrible doom. But, as Little Red grew, all the little wolf cubs came to love her. She took care of them like a mother and the cubs adored her gentle ways. Through her sheer kindness she was able to change her fate. Her little face is quite crackled and I like the vintage~y look she has. : )
Of course, she couldn't resist dressing up the occasional girl pup!

Her cloak is removable.
Little red will be available on ebay starting this evening. : )

And, in our parts, today was a beautiful day for a hike. These are some of the mountains in the San Fernando Valley (The Northernmost part of Los Angeles). What a gorgeous day!

Both pups came along....of course Sunday and I held up the caboose.

And, when I wasn't doing that I was carrying her. What a little princess!

Some beautiful wildflowers...

The colors of the hills...

Hope you all are having a fabulous Sunday!


  1. I just love your Little Red doll, and the removable cloak is wonderful! That looks like a lovely hike you had. We took a little stroll today too, I just love these spring days :) ~Lauren

  2. Wow - I LOVE your Red Riding Hood Doll. She is so beautiful! Looks like your weather was absolutely gorgeous today. That looks like an amazing play to roam and be inspired. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos - love those wildflowers. :) Theresa

  3. What a cue story, and such a pretty doll :D

  4. I love her. The material you used reminds me of the same material my grandmother used to make me a skirt when I was little. LOVE it. :)

  5. LOVE your doll!

    What a beautiful day! What a beautiful family you are!

  6. Your doll is amazing!
    (And the nature as well)

  7. Your Little Red is adorable, beautiful!!!

  8. How lovely-she is a beautiful doll!

    Oh how I miss warm sunny California when I see wonderful photos like this :)

  9. gosh she is super lovely you do lovely dolls and the crackle looks great on them ..... it looks so sunny in your photos in the uk its grey and very wet today so ill carry one cleaning my studio xx

  10. What a beautiful doll! And what a beautiful day you had... love the photos.

  11. You live in such a beautiful part of the country--I'm so envious--and of course the doll (I love your work)

  12. The doll is just too cute. I love the colors and her little red flowered hood. You are so lucky to have such beauty around you. Those mountains are amazing. What a cute family.

  13. lil red is gorgeous - i'm sure she'll sell fast :D

  14. I LOVE her red cloak...shes gorgeous!
    I love hiking too. I'm planning one for the Easter holidays and I cant wait!:-)

  15. Oooh! she is SO lovely! LOVE her! And what a beautiful day....looks like lots of fun!~
