Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winter Has Arrived!

With the first of December coming tomorrow and the cold air rolling over the mountains to our little valley we welcome the season! Our favorite time of year hopefully to be seasoned with an extra special blessing VERY soon! (Please God...hear my prayer ; )....we're ready!). The house has been transformed before I lose my last bit of energy (although I think it already happened).The alternating smell of cranberries, cider, gingerbread and evergreen delight my senses!
I so look forward to having a little wee one with us this time of year. Although my little man is a believer it's nice to know that the magic of the year will continue for some time to come!

If only there was a reason to keep some form of twinkle lights up year round. They're so enchanting.
I try to make weekly trips to the Salvation Army for items to re purpose for my art. You know how that goes...sometimes a drought, sometimes a harvest.
The other day my little man and I found this sweet piece amongst the old frames. It was labeled "bric-brac" and so was priced at the usual $1.35. It has a wood frame and this beautiful needlepoint which is in perfect condition. I think this piece qualifies as my discovery deal of the year!
Our living groom was painted a serene, sage green since we moved in over 8 years ago and we always adored the color. We finally decided to repaint it this soft butter cream color. It's definitely a change but the rooms seem much warmer.
The buffet in the dining room.....
This arched, wooden little curio was a broken clock from the same thrift store. Now it houses sweet treasures for me....
And my favorite centerpiece....vintage and new glass ornaments...so sparkly and it's fun to change the colors every year.
Do you see my little friend sleeping on the wicker bench?
This picture turned out so uniquely. I was trying to get a picture of the dresser in the front hallway which reflected the living room so sweetly.
And, finally, my littlest assistants. They refuse to leave my side right now...they must know the baby is near. Guard dogs they are not but cuddle bugs they are indeed!
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Hi Julie

    We have several inches of snow and a forcast for a lot more to come.

    It's -3 here in Wivenhoe at the moment and there are suggestions that it might drop a lot lower, -20 further north in Scotland.

    I have never seen snow like this before the Christmas holidays, at the most a sprinkle that's all.

    All the local schools are closed and public transport is struggling. We are just not used to it here.

    Take care Julie, I hope that the birth of your new baby goes smoothly.

    Love and hugs.

    ~ Julie x

  2. This is SO PERFECT!! Can I move in?!

  3. cute puppies! and lovely decorations :)
    we've been slowly getting our decor out for the season too-i can't believe it's December already!!

  4. Dear Julie,

    Your house looks beautifully prepared for Christmas! I hope your littlest one will arrive soon and safely!

    XO, Diana

  5. How comfy and warm. I love your little family pet members sound asleep and cuddled. Beautiful decorations for your home. Enjoy the comforts of your home. Have a great rest of the week.

  6. Oh your holiday decorations are so lovely and warm! Thanks for showing us around your home. :) And all your furry assistants are so very cute. :) Rest up and have a lovely week. Theresa

  7. Aww Julie--I got the warm fuzzies just traveling through your house, by the way you gave your "tour." Everything is so lovely and really, there is so much abundance and enchantment! Many blessings to you and your sweet family :)

  8. I love the frames around the other smaller pieces of art. I am going to be going through my frames tomorrow! :) Oh, and there is nothing better than a glass full of sparkling ornaments for Christmas. Perfect!

    PS Thank you SO much for your sweet comments on my blog. I adore your art - so it means a lot to me. :)

  9. I popped over from Andrea's. I have a new grandson so I know your anxiousness. How lovely your site is here. Beautiful art...happy jolly winter!
